Hajj Guide
- Introduction
- Kaabah – Baitullah
- Meekat (Ihram Stations)
- How to assume Ihram
- Forms of Hajj
- Hajj Procedure
- Obligatory duties of Hajj
- Tawaf and it's Rules
- Dua's & Azkaar For Hajj
- Mistakes to Avoid During Hajj
- Useful Tips
Introduction of Hajj (The purgation)
What is the significance of performing Hajj?
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and an obligatory duty for every Muslim if they are financially and physically capable of undertaking it. Every year millions of Muslims gather in Makkah between the 8th and 12th Dhul Hijjah to fulfill their duty to Allah (SWT). Pilgrims go through physically-demanding activities (rituals) and seek forgiveness from Allah. Hajj boosts trust and love for the Creator Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (PBUH). It reminds a believer about his obligation to Him and to rely on His plan with whole mind, heart, and soul.
The historical roots of Hajj go back to the times of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) when Allah ordered him to leave his wife Hajira (RA) and son Ismail (AS) in the deserts of Makkah. Hajira (RA) ran desperately between the mountains of Safa and Marwa in search of water for her son, but she found nothing. On her return to her son, she found the baby scratching the ground, and a water fountain emerged. Allah (SWT) later commanded Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to build Kaabah here and invite people to pilgrimage.
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) performed Hajj with his companions in 630 CE when he traveled from Medina to Mecca for the annual pilgrimage.
Pre-requisites of Hajj (Understanding Ur Soul)
Hajj must be performed with a purity of intention and complete dedication. It is obligatory for every Muslim once in a lifetime, but there is a specific set of conditions for a person before they undertake this spiritual quest.
- One must be an adult.
- One must be sane.
- One must have enough provisions for the journey, i.e., food, accommodation, and transport through Halal (legitimate) means.
- One must have enough savings to support the cost of living of the family members left behind.
- One must also set oneself free from every financial obligation and not carry liability.
- One must set out for Hajj with pure intentions solely for the sake of Allah.
Holy History of Sacred Kaaba – Baitullah
The center of Islamic world and the most critical piece of architecture in Islam, Kaaba is the first place of worship constructed centuries ago by Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Prophet Ismael (AS). Over the ages, it has undergone several changes due to natural calamities and renovations. One of the most significant renovations happened during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself. It is believed that this cube-shaped stone structure was built on the same foundation where Prophet Adam (AS) constructed a sanctuary to worship Allah the Almighty. Today, thousands of people circle the Kaabah while performing tawaf 24 hours a day, and millions of Muslims across the globe face the direction of the Kaaba while offering salah five times a day.
Here are a few facts about Kaaba that speaks about the history of Kaaba and the importance of Kaaba in Islam:
It has been reconstructed several times over the centuries. The structure of the Kaaba we see today is not the same as Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Prophet Ismael (AS) constructed. It has gone through several changes because of natural disasters and renovations. The major renovation of Kaabah took place during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before he achieved his Prophethood. The Prophet (PBUH) averted major bloodshed because of his quick thinking and wisdom when he provided the solution about placing the stone using a piece of cloth so that every tribe could participate. The Quraish also agreed to use money from pure sources only to complete the construction. However, there needed to be more untainted money in this wealthy trading city, so they had to settle for the smaller version of Kaabah.
The last renovation occurred in 1996 when many stones were replaced, and its foundations were re-strengthened along with a new roof.
Kaaba used to have two doors and a window. One thing to know about the Kaaba is that its original structure had an entry for entrance and another for the exit. It also had a window situated to one side for a considerable time. The Kaaba that we see today has only one door and no window.
It was not always black. We are so used to seeing Kaaba covered in its trademark black Kiswah with gold banding that we cannot imagine it in another color. Before the time of the Abbasids, whose household color was black, Kaaba was covered in multiple colors, including green, red, and white.
The keys of the Kaaba are in the hands of one family. At the time of the Prophet (PBUH), the legends of different aspects of the rites of Hajj were in the hands of other tribes of the Quraish, who eventually lost control of their guardianship except one. After conquering Makkah, the Prophet (PBUH) was given the keys to the Kaaba, but he returned them to Osman ibn Talha of the Bani Shaiba family. This family has been the traditional critical keepers of the Kaaba for centuries, and the Prophet (PBUH) himself confirmed that role till the end of time when he said,
“Take it, O Bani Talha, eternally up to the Day of Resurrection, and it will not be taken from you unless by an unjust, oppressive tyrant.”
Kaaba used to be open to everyone. Until recently, everyone was allowed to enter and pray inside Kaaba when it was opened twice a week. But, due to the heavy influx in the number of pilgrims, Kaaba is now opened only twice yearly for dignitaries.
People used to swim around it. The Makkah valley, where Kaabah is situated, tends to flood during heavy rain. It was not an uncommon occurrence and caused many problems before the days of the flood control system and sewage drainage. Muslims would perform tawaf around the half-submerged Kaaba by swimming around it.
The interior of the Kaaba contains plaques commemorating the rulers who renovated it. The upper walls of Kaabah are lined with marble and green cloth, along with the plaques commemorating different rulers who renovated or repaired Kaaba.
There is another Kaaba in Paradise. This Kaaba was mentioned in the Quran and by the Prophet (PBUH) when he narrated his journey of Isra’a -Wal-Miraj,
“Then I was shown Al-Bait-al-Ma’mur (i.e., Allah’s House). I asked Gabriel about it, and he said, This is Al Bait-ul-Ma’mur, where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily, and when they leave, they never return to it (but always a fresh batch comes into it daily).”
The Black Stone is broken. It was damaged in the middle ages by a highly heretical Ismaili group from Bahrain called the Qarmatians, who declared that the Hajj was an act of superstition. They killed thousands of hujjaj and dumped their bodies in the well of Zamzam. Qarmatians also took the Black Stone to the East of Arabia and then Kufa in Iraq but were later forced to return it by the Abbasid Caliph. The stone was in pieces, and the only way to keep it together was by encasing it in silver.
Kaabah was never meant to be cube-shaped. The original structure of the Kaaba started rectangular-shaped and included the semi-circular area of Hijr-e-Ismael. It is one of the least-known facts about Kaabah.
Meeqats – Ihram Places for Hujjaj
(Enthusiasm Begins)
Meeqats have prescribed places of Ihram on all four sides of Makkah, as set for Muslims by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). The five places of Meeqat for Umrah & Hajj are as follows:
1. Al- Juhfah, also known as “Rabegh” (For the people coming from Egypt, Syria, or the west)
2. Dhul-Hulaifah, also known as Abyar Ali (For people coming from Madinah)
3. Dhatul-Iraq (For the people coming from Iraq)
4. Qarn-Al-Manazel (For the people coming from Najd and Taif)
5. Yalumlum (For the people coming from India, Pakistan, and Yemen by sea)
Pilgrims by Air transport: From UK/Europe:
(Step Towards Allah)
The Nearest Miqat to Makkah for Muslims traveling from the UK is Ralegh. However, Pilgrims traveling by air from the UK need to wear Ihram before reaching the locations of Miqat. Still, they should make the intention (Niyyah) and call out “Talbiyah” only upon reaching the Meeqat following the announcement. (Saudi Airlines announce Meeqat). If traveling by another airline, Meeqat zone comes approximately one hour before arrival at Jeddah Airport.
Note: It is not permissible for pilgrims to pass through these prescribed stations without donning Ihram, whether they arrive by Road, Air, or Sea.
Ihram:( Being into Sacred state)
It’s Rules and Regulation. How to assume the state of ihram?
What is ihram for men and women?
The meaning of ihram is to declare a lawful thing as Haram (unlawful) on oneself. After pronouncing niyyah and Talbiyah, a pilgrim, certain permissible things become prohibited, such as wearing stitched garments, perfume, and hair cut, which are not allowed in Ihraam. The combined state of niyyah and Talbiyah is called ihram.
Usually, two white sheets of clothes are worn when a pilgrim enters the state of ihram, but the real ihram is the intention and Talbiyah. Women can join the ihram in their ordinary clothes. Women are required to perform all the rituals of Hajj like men. Similarly, there is not much difference in ihram for men and women except for the different Ihram clothing for males and females. People are usually confused about when to assume ihram. It is obligatory to take ihram from the prescribed Meeqat, Rabegh, for pilgrims traveling from the UK.
It is also wrongful thinking that once you put on the ihram sheets, you cannot take them off. A person does not relinquish ihram by taking them off or changing them. The pilgrim comes out of the state of ihram, where he had entered to perform Hajj, only when he completes all the essential rites of Hajj and has his head shaved or hair cut short.
Ihram Procedure – How to wear ihram
Preparation: Comb your hair, shape the beard, cut your hair and remove unwanted body hair
Purification: Do ghusl with the intention of ihram or do wudu. There are two kinds of cleansing, the purification of the body and the purification of the soul, i.e., the sincere repentance of your sins.
Ihram sheets: Men should wear a white cloth around the waist called ‘Izar’ and cover the upper body with the other white sheet called ‘Rida.’ Women’s clothing during ihram includes their ordinary clothes, which can be worn as Ihram garments. Both should wear flip-flops so that the middle bones of the upper part of the feet are not covered. However, women are allowed to wear shoes. Rules of Ihram for lady pilgrims also require them not to wear face veils and gloves. They may cover their face in other ways in the presence of non-mahram.
Nafl Salah: If not undesirable time, offer two Rakat of nafl salah with head covered before making intention for Hajj and Talbiyah.
Intention & Talbiyah: After offering the Nafl Salah, uncover your head and while still sitting, make Niyyah for Hajj and Umrah if you are performing Hajj-ul-Tamattu.
“O, Allah! I intend to perform Hajj and Umrah. Please make it easy for me and accept it. Aameen.”
Note: It is forbidden to perform Salah with a covered head after entering the state of ihram. Therefore, after assuming ihram, men should perform Salah with an uncovered head.
After declaring intention, recite Talbiyah three times loudly and as often as possible later. Women should recite it in a subdued voice.
- “Labbayk,
- Allahumma Labbayk.
- Labbayk.
- La shareeka laka.
- Labbayk.
- Innal-hamda wan-n’imata
- laka wal-mulk.
- La shareeka lak.”
- ( Here we come,
- O Allah, here we come!
- Here we come.
- No partner has You.
- Here we come!
- Praise indeed, and blessings are Yours—
- the Kingdom too!
- No partner has You!)
After Talbiyah, recite Darud and supplicate to Allah (SWT).
Ihram Restrictions
When a person enters the ihram, certain permissible things become Haram, and pilgrims must follow these prohibitions in the state of the ihram. Here is a list of things forbidden in ihram:
- Wearing stitched clothing (for men)
- Wearing shoes that cover the top of the foot (for men)
- Covering the head (for men)
- Covering the face (for women)
- Wearing ornaments
- Applying mascara and kohl
- Looking at the mirror
- Using fragrance
- Applying oils to the body
- Cutting the nails
- Going under the shade during travel (for men)
- Removing hair from the body
- Performing marriage
- Looking at a spouse with sexual desire
- Touching
- Kissing
- Performing sexual intercourse
- Masturbating
- Killing insects
- Extracting teeth and blood from the body
- Telling lies
- Disputing
- Hunting desert animals
- Carrying weapons
When Are the Restrictions on Ihram Lifted?
The restrictions on ihram are lifted after completing all the rites and rituals of Hajj. Only after performing Qasr, i.e., the shaving of the head or clipping of hair in Haram, does a pilgrim come out of the state of Ihram. After Qasr, all the restrictions regarding ihram are lifted except physical relations with the spouse, which is permissible only after performing tawafuz ziyarah. Therefore, pilgrims are allowed to wear stitched garments, use fragrance, cover their heads, etc., after the ritual of Qasr, but sexual intercourse with wife becomes permissible only after tawafuz ziyarah
Note: It is recommended to consult and seek scholars’ opinions on doubtful Islamic matters.
Different Forms/Methods of Performing Hajj.
Our sincere Recommendations
There are three different types of Hajj, namely:
1. Hajj-ul-Ifrad
2. Hajj-ul-Qiran
3. Hajj-ul-Tamattu
What is Hajj-ul-Ifrad?
The Isolated Hajj
It is the simplest form of Hajj. A pilgrim enters the state of Ihram to perform Hajj only before passing through the Meeqat (place for assuming Ihram). The pilgrim does not combine Hajj with Umrah and makes sure not to perform Umrah in the months of Hajj. The person acting Hajj-ul-Ifrad is called Mufrid.
What is Hajj-ul-Qiran?
Al Hajj
During this kind of Hajj, a pilgrim who performs Hajj-ul-Qiran combines Hajj and Umrah. He assumes Ihram to accomplish both. The pilgrim who performs this kind of Hajj is called a Qarin.
Qarin wears Ihram first for Umrah and then for Hajj making his intentions for Hajj just before performing Tawaf for Hajj. The obligations of one performing Hajj-ul-Qiran are the same as the one serving Ifrad, except that the former must slaughter, whereas the latter is not obligated to do so.
What is Hajj-ul-Tamattu?
Joy of Hajj (relaxation of Ihram)
In this type of Hajj, a pilgrim assumes Ihram for only Umrah during the months of Hajj. After reaching Makkah, he performs Tawaf and Saa’ee for Umrah. He then performs Qasr, i.e., shaves or clips his hair. On the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah, he puts on his Ihram for Hajj and performs the rites and duties of Hajj. The person who performs this kind of Hajj is called a Mutamatti.
All the forms of Hajj are rewarded, but the most recommended form of Hajj by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Hajj-ul-Tamattu, and he encouraged his followers to perform it. Even if a pilgrim forms niyyah to perform Qiran or Ifraad, he is allowed to change it to achieve Tamattu.
How to perform Hajj?
The Basic Hajj Procedure is to be kept in mind by First-timers.
Day-wise step-by-step guide to Hajj served during the designated five days of Dhul Hijjah.
First Day of Hajj (8th Dhul Hijjah)
Tarwiyah Day
Hajj starts after the maghrib prayers of the 7th Dhul Hijjah. Pilgrims make the same preparations for Hajj as Umrah, like taking Ghusl, declaring intention, wearing Ihram, and reciting Talbiyah. Complete all the Hajj preparations during the night hours.
Enter the state of Ihram from Miqat or the staying place at Mecca. After offering Fajr salah, proceed towards Mina while reciting Talbiyah and pronouncing it as often as possible.
After reaching Mina, offer Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers. Spend the night in Mina doing Zikr and ibadah.
Second Day of Hajj (9th Dhul Hijjah)
Offer Fajr prayer in Mina and set out for Arafat after saying Takbir and Talbiyah. Reach Arafat by Lawal (declining of the sun) and spend this time of Waquf-e-Arafat repenting for your sins, seeking the forgiveness of Allah, praying, and supplicating. It is better to do Waquf while standing but sitting down is also allowed. Later, proceed to Arafat ground to offer combined prayers of Zuhr and Asr with Jama’at.
After the sunset in Arafat, proceed to Muzdalifah without offering Maghrib prayer and reciting Talbiyah. Upon reaching Muzdalifah, offer Maghrib and Isha prayers together at Isha time. For both prayers, there is one adhan and one iqamah. First, show the Fard prayer of Maghrib with jama’at, then recite Takbir Tashriq and Talbiyah, and immediately after that, present the Fard prayer of Isha with jama’at. Afterward, offer two Rakat Sunnah of Maghrib followed by two Rakat Sunnah of Isha and three Rakat of Witr prayers.
Spend this blessed night in Zikr and supplicate to Allah. Glorify Allah and recite Darud, and read Quran. Pronounce Talbiyah and make Dua.
Also, collect stones for the next day of stoning at the Jamarat. Pick 49 pebbles of the size of a chickpea if Rami is to be performed for three days and 70 for four days.
The third day of Hajj (10th Dhul Hijjah
The day of sacrifice
On this day of Eid, leave for Mina from Muzdalifah after Fajr prayers. Stone the largest Jamarat, Jamarat-ul-Kubra, and perform Qurbani. Stop saying Talbiyah the moment you throw the first stone. Now go back to your accommodation for Qurbani. Do it yourself or ask a reliable person to do it on your behalf. There are three days designated for Qurbani. It is usually easy to do Qurbani on 11 Dhul Hijjah.
Afterward, Qasr is performed, i.e., male pilgrims shave their heads, and females clip their hair as part of the Hajj ritual. Now, pilgrims are free to remove their Ihram and wear ordinary clothes. All the restrictions regarding Ihram are lifted after Qasr except the sexual relationship between husband and wife, which is permissible after Tawaf-ul-Ifadah. It is Sunnah to perform Qasr in Mina, but you can do it anywhere in Haram. Ensure that Rami, Qurbani, and shaving or clipping of the hair are performed in the listed order; otherwise, a Dam is required as a penalty.
Now, move to Haram to perform Tawaf-al-Ifadah and offer two racket nafl near Maqam-e-Ibrahim. Also, drink Zamzam after completing see, the seven circuits between the hills of Safa and Marwah, and spend the night at Mina.
Takaful Ifadah or Tawafuz Ziyarah can be performed any time from 10 Dhul Hijjah to the sunset of 12 Dhul Hijjah. It is most convenient to perform on 11 Dhul Hijjah. The procedure is similar to that of Tawaf of Umrah, and it is essential to complete it in the state of wudu. According to Sunnah, Tawafuz Ziyarah is to be performed after Rami, Qurbani, and shaving or clipping of the hair, and every effort should be made to do that in the given sequence. However, Fard stands discharged even if Tawaf-e-Ziyarat is performed before all these practices.
Fourth Day of Hajj (11th Dhul Hijjah)
On the second day of Eid, proceed to Jamarat from Mina after Zuhr’s prayers for the stoning of the devil. Stone all the three Jamarats (Jamarat-e-Sughra, Jamarat-e-Wusta, and Jamarat-e-Qubra) in sequence from small to large by throwing seven pebbles at each of these pillars. It is pretty easy to perform Rami just before sunset or at night. It is permissible to do Rami at night if there is a risk to life. After completion of this ritual, return to Mina for a night stay. If you could not perform Tawafuz ziyarah yesterday, you can do it after the stoning. Later, go back to Mina for a night stay.
Fifth & Final Day of Hajj (12th Dhul Hijjah)
Start the rituals for the final day of Hajj by proceeding to Jamarat from Mina after Zuhr for the stoning. The stoning of Jamarat will be completed from small to large. After stoning, leave for Makkah before Sunset. If you could not perform Tawafuz ziyarah earlier, it is essential to do it before the maghrib on this day.
Before leaving Makkah and returning to your country, the pilgrims will also perform Tawaf-ul-Wada (Farewell Tawaf). It is obligatory to perform the farewell tawaf. At this stage, all the required rituals of Hajj are completed.
Mentioned above was the simple Hajj procedure about how to do Hajj after assuming Ihram from the Meeqat. May Allah accept your Hajj and reward you in this life and the Hereafter. Aameen!
Note: It is recommended to consult and seek scholars’ opinions on doubtful Islamic matters.
Obligations of Hajj
The three obligatory rules (Fard) or the pillars of Hajj are:
Entering Ihram from the Meeqat: It is obligatory to form the intention of Hajj and assume the state of Ihram from the Meeqat. Raleigh is the prescribed Meeqat location for pilgrims from the UK. However, pilgrims traveling by air cross the Meeqat, so they must form the intention in the flight. Saudi airlines announce Meeqat on the plane. If you are traveling by other flights, the Meeqat comes one hour before reaching the Jeddah airport.
Wuquf at Arafat: It is essential to stop at Arafat even for a moment from Lawal (declining of sun) of 9th Dhul Hijjah to the dawn of 10th Dhul Hijjah. This is an indispensable part of Hajj and must be performed in the prescribed order at its proper time and place. In case of its omission, Hajj would not be adequately accomplished.
Tawafuz Ziyarah: It can be performed any time from the morning of the 10th Dhul Hijjah to the dawn of the 12th Dhul Hijjah after completing the ritual of Qasr (shaving or clipping of hair). Tawafuz Ziyarah, also called Tawaf-ul-Ifadah, is an obligatory Hajj ritual performed after leaving the state of Ihram and just before returning to Mina to perform Rami al-Jamarat. If Tawafuz Ziyarah is delayed, the sacrifice of an animal (Dam) becomes essential.
Important (Wajib) acts of worship during Hajj
- Overnight Stay in Muzdalifah.
- Overnight Stay in Mina at Tashriq nights.
- Raul Jamar, i.e., stone pelting at the Jamaats.
- Qurbani, or the sacrifice of an animal, is only due on a Qarin or Mutamatti.
- Shaving or cutting of hair.
Tawaf-ul-Wada or Farewell tawaf.
Tawaf and its Rules
What is Tawaf? How to perform Tawaf e Hajj?
Most inspiring Ritual of Hajj
The Arabic meaning of Tawaf is going round and round. In the context of Hajj and Umrah, it means circumambulating around Baitullah (The House of Allah) seven times.
It is an obligatory act of Hajj and Umrah. There are seven types/kinds of Tawaf:
Tawaf al Qudum: Tawaf performed upon entering Masjid-ul-Haram in the state of Ihram by those performing Hajj al-Qiran or Hajj al-Ifrad.
Tawafuz Ziyarah: Also known as Tawaf al-Ifadhah, it is the Tawaf that is performed between the dawn of 10th Dhul Hijjah to the sunset of 12th Dhul Hijjah, after leaving the state of Ihram and just before returning to Mina to perform Rami al-Jamarat. If it is delayed, the Dam becomes Wajib.
Tawaf al Wada: Also known as Tawafus Sadr, Tawaf el Wida (Farewell) is the farewell tawaf performed at the end of the Hajj.
Tawaf al Umrah: This is mandatory for Umrah.
Tawaf al Nadhr: It is mandatory when a person has made a vow to Allah to do it.
Tawaf al Tahiyya: It is not mandatory for a person but recommended to perform when he enters into Masjid-ul-Haram. If any other tawaf is completed, it becomes its substitute.
Tawaf al NFL: Can be performed at any time. It is similar to other Tawafs if you want to know how to perform nafl Tawaf. Pilgrims have to form the intention (niyyah) of performing nafl tawaf.
Obligations of Tawaf
A set of rules or guidelines for doing Tawaf must be followed. It is necessary to complete these rituals correctly and follow the rules, or a Dam becomes Wajib. The main directions of Tawaf are as follows:
- It is essential to be in the state of wudu for the entire Tawaf.
- Niyyah is a necessary condition for Tawaf. There is no tawaf without niyyah.
- Tawaf should begin from Hajar-al-Aswad (the black stone) and finish at Hajar-al-Aswad, moving in the direction of Hatim (anti-clockwise), keeping Hajar-al-Aswad to the left.
- It is obligatory to include Hijr (Hatim), Ismael, into Tawaf, which means to perform the Tawaf of Hijr Ismael from outside.
- Pilgrims must circumambulate seven complete rounds around the House of Allah – the Kaabatullah and anything less is not enough.
- If the time of obligatory or supererogatory “Vitr” prayer comes during obligatory Tawaf, a pilgrim can leave Tawaf, perform the prayer and then return and continue the rest of Tawaf.
- You are performing Islam, i.e., kissing the Hajr-e-Aswad. If you cannot kiss the Black stone because of the crowd, touch it with your hand and then kiss your hand as the Prophet did (PBUH). If you cannot reach the stone, point your hands towards the rock and say, “Allahu Akbar.”
Note: It is recommended to consult and seek scholars’ opinions on doubtful Islamic matters.
Recommended supplications for Tawaf, Saa’ee, and other rites:
There are no special Dua & Supplications during Hajj; People should recite any dua they remember and wish. But one should try to perform the rituals of Hajj and Umrah as closely as how the Prophet (PBUH) performed. Here are some of the most recommended essential Hajj duas and supplications that one should recite while on their journey for Hajj and Umrah:

Common mistakes to Avoid during Hajj
Below are the misconceptions and prohibitions during Hajj that one should be careful about to have a blissful Hajj experience:
Mistake 1: Changing the intention of Hajj
(Essence of hajj)
Making intentions is an essential part of Hajj. The reward of a deed depends on the purpose. One can change their choice about the type of Hajj they want to perform before assuming ihram. If one wants to change their intention afterward, they can vary from Tamattu to Qiran but not from Tamattu to Ifrad.
Mistake 2: Not changing the ihram clothes
(absolute Submissions)
Some people wrongly think that changing the white sheets of the ihram will relinquish their ihram. One is allowed to change the ihram whenever they require it. The pilgrim comes out of the ihram, which they intended, only after completing all the essential rites of Hajj and shaving or clipping hair.
Mistake 3: Touching or wiping over the Kabah or any part of Masjid-ul-Haram
(Non permissive act)
Some people try to touch and wipe over any part of Kabah and Maqam-e-Ibrahim, thinking there is barakah and Khair. This is one of the most common misconceptions and mistakes during Hajj and has no basis in hadith or Sunnah. The Prophet (PBUH) did not touch any part of Kabah except the Black stone and Yemeni Corner. Innovation in religion is forbidden in Hajj, so it must be prohibited.
Mistake 4: Doing multiple Umrahs
(Do the Rewarded act)
Some people perform multiple Umrahs by going to Masjid Ta’neem or other Meeqat to assume ihram repeatedly. It is not from the Sunnah, and one should not make the mistake of doing it. Instead of performing multiple umrahs, one should try to complete as many Tawafs as possible to gain greater rewards.
Mistake 5: Getting emotional at Jamarat
(only Do the Obligatory act)
Jamarats are not the devil/s disguised as the stones. There is no devil present at the Jamarat. The stone indicates where the devil (shaitan) tried to mislead Prophet Ibrahim (AS). It is recommended to glorify Allah by saying Allahu Akbar each time you throw a pebble at the stone pillar.
Mistake 6: Kissing Hajr-e-Aswad from Distance”
(Holy Ritual)
Kissing the black stone is a beautiful sunnah, and it is an honor to be able to do that. But most people cannot reach Hajr-e-Aswad because of the crowd. Therefore, many people try to kiss it from a distance. They stop in the middle of performing Tawaf, face the black stone and put their hands up to kiss it in the air as if it is right in front of them.
Distance kissing is not from Sunnah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would kiss the black stone if he could easily do so or touch it with his hand and then kiss his hand. But, if it were too crowded, he would only point towards it with his hands and say, “Allahu Akbar.”
Ibn Abbas said, “The Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) performed Tawaf on his camel, and every time he came to the corner (where the Black Stone is), he would point to it and say, Allāhu Akbar.” [Al-Bukhari]
Mistake 7: Thinking Dua is accepted at first glance of Kaaba;
(ALLAH ‘Promise)
Most people have the wrong notion that the first time they witness the Kaabah, any du’a they make will be answered. It is simply not true and has no evidence in Shariah. Any Hadith that we find in this matter is weak or fabricated.
Mistake 8: Shouting Du’a in Unison
Some people shout dua in unison while performing Tawaf. They follow a leader or an imam who speaks out different dua’s loudly, and the people repeat after him in unison. This creates a lot of confusion and disturbs others engaged in their dues. It is not correct.
Before going for Tawaf, the right thing to do is to make a list of Du’a that you want to make or the verses from the Qur’an you want to recite. So you won’t have to follow anybody, and you will make Du’a from your heart in your language. Make your dua with humility and Khushoo’.
The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Each one of you is conversing with his Lord, so do not disturb one another or raise your voices over one another when reading (or he said) when praying.” [Abu Dawood, Sahih by Al-Albani]
Mistake 9: Designating specific Du’a for different rounds of Tawaf
Some pilgrims designate specific Du’as for each round; there are even books with specific Du’as written for every game. This is not from Sunnah. Neither the Prophet (PBUH) nor the Sahabas recited any specific Du’a in Tawaf’s fun. The only Du’a that the Prophet (PBUH) specified during Tawaf was upon reaching between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone when he would say,
“Rabbana atina’ fid-dunya hasana wa fil-akhirati hasana wa qina adhaban-nar”
[“Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Fire.”]
Mistake 10: Doing Tawaf on someone’s behalf
Many people make this mistake. They complete their Tawaf and then perform an extra round for a friend, relative, or a deceased person. It is not correct and has no basis in the Sunnah. Only Hajj and Umrah can be performed on behalf of someone, but Tawaf cannot be done on someone’s behalf.
Mistake 11: Thinking praying 40 Rakat prayers in Madinah is compulsory
Some people think praying 40 racket Naf’l is compulsory in Masjid-e-Nabawi and is part of the Hajj. Neither the Naf’l prayers nor visiting Madinah is a part of Hajj. It is good that you spend as much time as possible praying inside the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah but to think it is necessary to do so is not correct.
Note: It is recommended to consult and seek scholars’ opinions on doubtful Islamic matters.
Essential Tips for Your Hajj Journey
(The Way to ALLAH)
Here are the top tips for Hajj travel and staying healthy during the Hajj pilgrimage:
- The extreme weather conditions, the tremendous crowd of pilgrims, and the physical demands of Hajj tend to make people short-tempered. Try to be patient, understanding, and compassionate always. You can avoid unnecessary arguments and awkward situations by maintaining a positive attitude and remaining focused on your mission of Hajj.
- Do not get involved in unnecessary religious discussions with your fellow pilgrims. You may see slight variations in spiritual practices during Hajj rituals amongst different people. Someone may even point out the “wrongness” of your ways. Be patient and walk away from a difficult situation.
- Be optimistic and keep good companionship during Hajj. You will meet different kinds of people in your group; the over-excited, complainers, chit-chatters, etc.; keep to yourself if you feel distracted and don’t want the negativity to affect you. You might not like things, but try to keep them to your heart and share constructive criticism with the organizer.
- The most critical Hajj advice is to be punctual. Take great care to perform Salah on time and with Jamaat.
- Don’t be put off by the hot weather. There are air-conditioned sections in Haram on the first and second floors (enter through the King Fahad entrance and stay on the left). Pray there during the hottest part of the day.
- Try to create balance in everything, including acts of worship. Know your physical limits and stay within them. Getting caught up in the moment’s emotions and exceeding your boundaries is too easy. It is incredibly frustrating to get sick in a foreign country and even harder during Hajj as it defeats the purpose of your visit.
- The beggars will pose a real problem, mainly if you are not used to seeing them. People who have been to middle-east before would be able to differentiate between the real ones and those who are there for business. They will be ruthless in pursuing you and won’t hesitate to disturb you while you are deep in prayers or having an emotional moment. Do not be swayed by their stories of losing passports, tickets, loved ones, etc. Instead of giving money, offer them food, a key, or whatever they ask for.
- Try to meet as many Muslims as possible. The diversity of cultures and nationalities one experiences during Hajj is mind-blowing. You will meet Russians, Chinese, Europeans, and African Muslims. Feel the common bond that unites everyone.
- One of the top tips to stay healthy during the Hajj pilgrimage is to wash all fruits, including dates, with clean water before eating. Stick to those fruits which need to be peeled. Avoid pre-cut fruits or salads or food handled in unhygienic conditions.
- Another quick and essential tip for Hajj is always use the restrooms before leaving your hotel or apartment. There are no washrooms inside Masjid-ul-Haram or Masjid-e-Nabawi. The bathrooms are located outside the mosques and are very crowded. Use a nearby hotel or restaurant if you have to use a restroom. Make wudu with Zamzam water or at the water stations and avoid spilling too much water.
- Please don’t compare your group with others; avoid getting caught up in what the other people ate or where they stayed. Always remember that Hajj is a test, and everyone’s trial will be different. Savor your experiences and stay positive.
- You can prepare yourself, but nothing thoroughly prepares you for the reality of the experience. There will be moments of great awe and complete frustration. Be patient always!
- A Hajji is fortunate to be present at the various sacred places where duas are likely to be accepted. So please make the most of it. Pray to Allah (SWT) and ask for your needs of this world and the Hereafter. Value every moment there since your stay is a short one.
- Of course, everyone wants their Hajj to be Mabroor (acceptable) because the reward for Hajj Mabroor is Jannah.
- A person asked the Prophet (PBUH), “What makes Hajj Mabroor, Messenger of Allah?” He (PBUH) said, “Providing food to people and spreading (the greeting of) salaam.” (Fath al-Bari, 4/446).
- In another Hadith, which is related by Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu `anhu), Allah’s Apostle (sallallaahu `Alayhi wasallam) said:
- “From one Umrah to another (i.e., the two Umrah) become an atonement for the sins committed during the period intervening between them and the reward on Hajj Mabroor (i.e., pure and untainted Hajj) is paradise itself and nothing less.” [Bukhari & Muslim]
- So being kind, generous, and considerate with people and serving them is the key to accepting your Hajj. Keep your eyes and ears open for every opportunity to do good deeds. Jump at any chance you get to spread khair and do everything to please Allah. In sha Allah, your Hajj will be Mabroor.
- Follow a burial procession to Jannat-ul-Baqi and attend the Janaaza prayer.
Those must-know Hajj tips will come in handy during your Hajj journey. May Allah shower His blessings upon the Ummah, accept our intention to perform this obligatory act of worship, and guide us to the proper path. Aameen!
Introduction of Hajj (The purgation)
What is the significance of performing Hajj?
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and an obligatory duty for every Muslim if they are financially and physically capable of undertaking it. Every year millions of Muslims gather in Makkah between the 8th and 12th Dhul Hijjah to fulfill their duty to Allah (SWT). Pilgrims go through physically-demanding activities (rituals) and seek forgiveness from Allah. Hajj boosts trust and love for the Creator Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (PBUH). It reminds a believer about his obligation to Him and to rely on His plan with whole mind, heart, and soul.
The historical roots of Hajj go back to the times of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) when Allah ordered him to leave his wife Hajira (RA) and son Ismail (AS) in the deserts of Makkah. Hajira (RA) ran desperately between the mountains of Safa and Marwa in search of water for her son, but she found nothing. On her return to her son, she found the baby scratching the ground, and a water fountain emerged. Allah (SWT) later commanded Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to build Kaabah here and invite people to pilgrimage.
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) performed Hajj with his companions in 630 CE when he traveled from Medina to Mecca for the annual pilgrimage.
Pre-requisites of Hajj (Understanding Ur Soul)
Hajj must be performed with a purity of intention and complete dedication. It is obligatory for every Muslim once in a lifetime, but there is a specific set of conditions for a person before they undertake this spiritual quest.
- One must be an adult.
- One must be sane.
- One must have enough provisions for the journey, i.e., food, accommodation, and transport through Halal (legitimate) means.
- One must have enough savings to support the cost of living of the family members left behind.
- One must also set oneself free from every financial obligation and not carry liability.
- One must set out for Hajj with pure intentions solely for the sake of Allah.
Kaabah – Baitullah
Holy History of Sacred Kaaba – Baitullah
The center of Islamic world and the most critical piece of architecture in Islam, Kaaba is the first place of worship constructed centuries ago by Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Prophet Ismael (AS). Over the ages, it has undergone several changes due to natural calamities and renovations. One of the most significant renovations happened during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself. It is believed that this cube-shaped stone structure was built on the same foundation where Prophet Adam (AS) constructed a sanctuary to worship Allah the Almighty. Today, thousands of people circle the Kaabah while performing tawaf 24 hours a day, and millions of Muslims across the globe face the direction of the Kaaba while offering salah five times a day.
Here are a few facts about Kaaba that speaks about the history of Kaaba and the importance of Kaaba in Islam:
It has been reconstructed several times over the centuries. The structure of the Kaaba we see today is not the same as Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Prophet Ismael (AS) constructed. It has gone through several changes because of natural disasters and renovations. The major renovation of Kaabah took place during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before he achieved his Prophethood. The Prophet (PBUH) averted major bloodshed because of his quick thinking and wisdom when he provided the solution about placing the stone using a piece of cloth so that every tribe could participate. The Quraish also agreed to use money from pure sources only to complete the construction. However, there needed to be more untainted money in this wealthy trading city, so they had to settle for the smaller version of Kaabah.
The last renovation occurred in 1996 when many stones were replaced, and its foundations were re-strengthened along with a new roof.
Kaaba used to have two doors and a window. One thing to know about the Kaaba is that its original structure had an entry for entrance and another for the exit. It also had a window situated to one side for a considerable time. The Kaaba that we see today has only one door and no window.
It was not always black. We are so used to seeing Kaaba covered in its trademark black Kiswah with gold banding that we cannot imagine it in another color. Before the time of the Abbasids, whose household color was black, Kaaba was covered in multiple colors, including green, red, and white.
The keys of the Kaaba are in the hands of one family. At the time of the Prophet (PBUH), the legends of different aspects of the rites of Hajj were in the hands of other tribes of the Quraish, who eventually lost control of their guardianship except one. After conquering Makkah, the Prophet (PBUH) was given the keys to the Kaaba, but he returned them to Osman ibn Talha of the Bani Shaiba family. This family has been the traditional critical keepers of the Kaaba for centuries, and the Prophet (PBUH) himself confirmed that role till the end of time when he said,
“Take it, O Bani Talha, eternally up to the Day of Resurrection, and it will not be taken from you unless by an unjust, oppressive tyrant.”
Kaaba used to be open to everyone. Until recently, everyone was allowed to enter and pray inside Kaaba when it was opened twice a week. But, due to the heavy influx in the number of pilgrims, Kaaba is now opened only twice yearly for dignitaries.
People used to swim around it. The Makkah valley, where Kaabah is situated, tends to flood during heavy rain. It was not an uncommon occurrence and caused many problems before the days of the flood control system and sewage drainage. Muslims would perform tawaf around the half-submerged Kaaba by swimming around it.
The interior of the Kaaba contains plaques commemorating the rulers who renovated it. The upper walls of Kaabah are lined with marble and green cloth, along with the plaques commemorating different rulers who renovated or repaired Kaaba.
There is another Kaaba in Paradise. This Kaaba was mentioned in the Quran and by the Prophet (PBUH) when he narrated his journey of Isra’a -Wal-Miraj,
“Then I was shown Al-Bait-al-Ma’mur (i.e., Allah’s House). I asked Gabriel about it, and he said, This is Al Bait-ul-Ma’mur, where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily, and when they leave, they never return to it (but always a fresh batch comes into it daily).”
The Black Stone is broken. It was damaged in the middle ages by a highly heretical Ismaili group from Bahrain called the Qarmatians, who declared that the Hajj was an act of superstition. They killed thousands of hujjaj and dumped their bodies in the well of Zamzam. Qarmatians also took the Black Stone to the East of Arabia and then Kufa in Iraq but were later forced to return it by the Abbasid Caliph. The stone was in pieces, and the only way to keep it together was by encasing it in silver.
Kaabah was never meant to be cube-shaped. The original structure of the Kaaba started rectangular-shaped and included the semi-circular area of Hijr-e-Ismael. It is one of the least-known facts about Kaabah.
Meekat (Ihram Stations)
Meeqats – Ihram Places for Hujjaj
(Enthusiasm Begins)
Meeqats have prescribed places of Ihram on all four sides of Makkah, as set for Muslims by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). The five places of Meeqat for Umrah & Hajj are as follows:
1. Al- Juhfah, also known as “Rabegh” (For the people coming from Egypt, Syria, or the west)
2. Dhul-Hulaifah, also known as Abyar Ali (For people coming from Madinah)
3. Dhatul-Iraq (For the people coming from Iraq)
4. Qarn-Al-Manazel (For the people coming from Najd and Taif)
5. Yalumlum (For the people coming from India, Pakistan, and Yemen by sea)
Pilgrims by Air transport: From UK/Europe:
(Step Towards Allah)
The Nearest Miqat to Makkah for Muslims traveling from the UK is Ralegh. However, Pilgrims traveling by air from the UK need to wear Ihram before reaching the locations of Miqat. Still, they should make the intention (Niyyah) and call out “Talbiyah” only upon reaching the Meeqat following the announcement. (Saudi Airlines announce Meeqat). If traveling by another airline, Meeqat zone comes approximately one hour before arrival at Jeddah Airport.
Note: It is not permissible for pilgrims to pass through these prescribed stations without donning Ihram, whether they arrive by Road, Air, or Sea.
How to assume Ihram
Ihram:( Being into Sacred state)
It’s Rules and Regulation. How to assume the state of ihram?
What is ihram for men and women?
The meaning of ihram is to declare a lawful thing as Haram (unlawful) on oneself. After pronouncing niyyah and Talbiyah, a pilgrim, certain permissible things become prohibited, such as wearing stitched garments, perfume, and hair cut, which are not allowed in Ihraam. The combined state of niyyah and Talbiyah is called ihram.
Usually, two white sheets of clothes are worn when a pilgrim enters the state of ihram, but the real ihram is the intention and Talbiyah. Women can join the ihram in their ordinary clothes. Women are required to perform all the rituals of Hajj like men. Similarly, there is not much difference in ihram for men and women except for the different Ihram clothing for males and females. People are usually confused about when to assume ihram. It is obligatory to take ihram from the prescribed Meeqat, Rabegh, for pilgrims traveling from the UK.
It is also wrongful thinking that once you put on the ihram sheets, you cannot take them off. A person does not relinquish ihram by taking them off or changing them. The pilgrim comes out of the state of ihram, where he had entered to perform Hajj, only when he completes all the essential rites of Hajj and has his head shaved or hair cut short.
Ihram Procedure – How to wear ihram
Preparation: Comb your hair, shape the beard, cut your hair and remove unwanted body hair
Purification: Do ghusl with the intention of ihram or do wudu. There are two kinds of cleansing, the purification of the body and the purification of the soul, i.e., the sincere repentance of your sins.
Ihram sheets: Men should wear a white cloth around the waist called ‘Izar’ and cover the upper body with the other white sheet called ‘Rida.’ Women’s clothing during ihram includes their ordinary clothes, which can be worn as Ihram garments. Both should wear flip-flops so that the middle bones of the upper part of the feet are not covered. However, women are allowed to wear shoes. Rules of Ihram for lady pilgrims also require them not to wear face veils and gloves. They may cover their face in other ways in the presence of non-mahram.
Nafl Salah: If not undesirable time, offer two Rakat of nafl salah with head covered before making intention for Hajj and Talbiyah.
Intention & Talbiyah: After offering the Nafl Salah, uncover your head and while still sitting, make Niyyah for Hajj and Umrah if you are performing Hajj-ul-Tamattu.
“O, Allah! I intend to perform Hajj and Umrah. Please make it easy for me and accept it. Aameen.”
Note: It is forbidden to perform Salah with a covered head after entering the state of ihram. Therefore, after assuming ihram, men should perform Salah with an uncovered head.
After declaring intention, recite Talbiyah three times loudly and as often as possible later. Women should recite it in a subdued voice.
- “Labbayk,
- Allahumma Labbayk.
- Labbayk.
- La shareeka laka.
- Labbayk.
- Innal-hamda wan-n’imata
- laka wal-mulk.
- La shareeka lak.”
- ( Here we come,
- O Allah, here we come!
- Here we come.
- No partner has You.
- Here we come!
- Praise indeed, and blessings are Yours—
- the Kingdom too!
- No partner has You!)
After Talbiyah, recite Darud and supplicate to Allah (SWT).
Ihram Restrictions
When a person enters the ihram, certain permissible things become Haram, and pilgrims must follow these prohibitions in the state of the ihram. Here is a list of things forbidden in ihram:
- Wearing stitched clothing (for men)
- Wearing shoes that cover the top of the foot (for men)
- Covering the head (for men)
- Covering the face (for women)
- Wearing ornaments
- Applying mascara and kohl
- Looking at the mirror
- Using fragrance
- Applying oils to the body
- Cutting the nails
- Going under the shade during travel (for men)
- Removing hair from the body
- Performing marriage
- Looking at a spouse with sexual desire
- Touching
- Kissing
- Performing sexual intercourse
- Masturbating
- Killing insects
- Extracting teeth and blood from the body
- Telling lies
- Disputing
- Hunting desert animals
- Carrying weapons
When Are the Restrictions on Ihram Lifted?
The restrictions on ihram are lifted after completing all the rites and rituals of Hajj. Only after performing Qasr, i.e., the shaving of the head or clipping of hair in Haram, does a pilgrim come out of the state of Ihram. After Qasr, all the restrictions regarding ihram are lifted except physical relations with the spouse, which is permissible only after performing tawafuz ziyarah. Therefore, pilgrims are allowed to wear stitched garments, use fragrance, cover their heads, etc., after the ritual of Qasr, but sexual intercourse with wife becomes permissible only after tawafuz ziyarah
Note: It is recommended to consult and seek scholars’ opinions on doubtful Islamic matters.
Forms of Hajj
Different Forms/Methods of Performing Hajj.
Our sincere Recommendations
There are three different types of Hajj, namely:
1. Hajj-ul-Ifrad
2. Hajj-ul-Qiran
3. Hajj-ul-Tamattu
What is Hajj-ul-Ifrad?
The Isolated Hajj
It is the simplest form of Hajj. A pilgrim enters the state of Ihram to perform Hajj only before passing through the Meeqat (place for assuming Ihram). The pilgrim does not combine Hajj with Umrah and makes sure not to perform Umrah in the months of Hajj. The person acting Hajj-ul-Ifrad is called Mufrid.
What is Hajj-ul-Qiran?
Al Hajj
During this kind of Hajj, a pilgrim who performs Hajj-ul-Qiran combines Hajj and Umrah. He assumes Ihram to accomplish both. The pilgrim who performs this kind of Hajj is called a Qarin.
Qarin wears Ihram first for Umrah and then for Hajj making his intentions for Hajj just before performing Tawaf for Hajj. The obligations of one performing Hajj-ul-Qiran are the same as the one serving Ifrad, except that the former must slaughter, whereas the latter is not obligated to do so.
What is Hajj-ul-Tamattu?
Joy of Hajj (relaxation of Ihram)
In this type of Hajj, a pilgrim assumes Ihram for only Umrah during the months of Hajj. After reaching Makkah, he performs Tawaf and Saa’ee for Umrah. He then performs Qasr, i.e., shaves or clips his hair. On the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah, he puts on his Ihram for Hajj and performs the rites and duties of Hajj. The person who performs this kind of Hajj is called a Mutamatti.
All the forms of Hajj are rewarded, but the most recommended form of Hajj by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Hajj-ul-Tamattu, and he encouraged his followers to perform it. Even if a pilgrim forms niyyah to perform Qiran or Ifraad, he is allowed to change it to achieve Tamattu.
Hajj Procedure
How to perform Hajj?
The Basic Hajj Procedure is to be kept in mind by First-timers.
Day-wise step-by-step guide to Hajj served during the designated five days of Dhul Hijjah.
First Day of Hajj (8th Dhul Hijjah)
Tarwiyah Day
Hajj starts after the maghrib prayers of the 7th Dhul Hijjah. Pilgrims make the same preparations for Hajj as Umrah, like taking Ghusl, declaring intention, wearing Ihram, and reciting Talbiyah. Complete all the Hajj preparations during the night hours.
Enter the state of Ihram from Miqat or the staying place at Mecca. After offering Fajr salah, proceed towards Mina while reciting Talbiyah and pronouncing it as often as possible.
After reaching Mina, offer Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers. Spend the night in Mina doing Zikr and ibadah.
Second Day of Hajj (9th Dhul Hijjah)
Offer Fajr prayer in Mina and set out for Arafat after saying Takbir and Talbiyah. Reach Arafat by Lawal (declining of the sun) and spend this time of Waquf-e-Arafat repenting for your sins, seeking the forgiveness of Allah, praying, and supplicating. It is better to do Waquf while standing but sitting down is also allowed. Later, proceed to Arafat ground to offer combined prayers of Zuhr and Asr with Jama’at.
After the sunset in Arafat, proceed to Muzdalifah without offering Maghrib prayer and reciting Talbiyah. Upon reaching Muzdalifah, offer Maghrib and Isha prayers together at Isha time. For both prayers, there is one adhan and one iqamah. First, show the Fard prayer of Maghrib with jama’at, then recite Takbir Tashriq and Talbiyah, and immediately after that, present the Fard prayer of Isha with jama’at. Afterward, offer two Rakat Sunnah of Maghrib followed by two Rakat Sunnah of Isha and three Rakat of Witr prayers.
Spend this blessed night in Zikr and supplicate to Allah. Glorify Allah and recite Darud, and read Quran. Pronounce Talbiyah and make Dua.
Also, collect stones for the next day of stoning at the Jamarat. Pick 49 pebbles of the size of a chickpea if Rami is to be performed for three days and 70 for four days.
The third day of Hajj (10th Dhul Hijjah
The day of sacrifice
On this day of Eid, leave for Mina from Muzdalifah after Fajr prayers. Stone the largest Jamarat, Jamarat-ul-Kubra, and perform Qurbani. Stop saying Talbiyah the moment you throw the first stone. Now go back to your accommodation for Qurbani. Do it yourself or ask a reliable person to do it on your behalf. There are three days designated for Qurbani. It is usually easy to do Qurbani on 11 Dhul Hijjah.
Afterward, Qasr is performed, i.e., male pilgrims shave their heads, and females clip their hair as part of the Hajj ritual. Now, pilgrims are free to remove their Ihram and wear ordinary clothes. All the restrictions regarding Ihram are lifted after Qasr except the sexual relationship between husband and wife, which is permissible after Tawaf-ul-Ifadah. It is Sunnah to perform Qasr in Mina, but you can do it anywhere in Haram. Ensure that Rami, Qurbani, and shaving or clipping of the hair are performed in the listed order; otherwise, a Dam is required as a penalty.
Now, move to Haram to perform Tawaf-al-Ifadah and offer two racket nafl near Maqam-e-Ibrahim. Also, drink Zamzam after completing see, the seven circuits between the hills of Safa and Marwah, and spend the night at Mina.
Takaful Ifadah or Tawafuz Ziyarah can be performed any time from 10 Dhul Hijjah to the sunset of 12 Dhul Hijjah. It is most convenient to perform on 11 Dhul Hijjah. The procedure is similar to that of Tawaf of Umrah, and it is essential to complete it in the state of wudu. According to Sunnah, Tawafuz Ziyarah is to be performed after Rami, Qurbani, and shaving or clipping of the hair, and every effort should be made to do that in the given sequence. However, Fard stands discharged even if Tawaf-e-Ziyarat is performed before all these practices.
Fourth Day of Hajj (11th Dhul Hijjah)
On the second day of Eid, proceed to Jamarat from Mina after Zuhr’s prayers for the stoning of the devil. Stone all the three Jamarats (Jamarat-e-Sughra, Jamarat-e-Wusta, and Jamarat-e-Qubra) in sequence from small to large by throwing seven pebbles at each of these pillars. It is pretty easy to perform Rami just before sunset or at night. It is permissible to do Rami at night if there is a risk to life. After completion of this ritual, return to Mina for a night stay. If you could not perform Tawafuz ziyarah yesterday, you can do it after the stoning. Later, go back to Mina for a night stay.
Fifth & Final Day of Hajj (12th Dhul Hijjah)
Start the rituals for the final day of Hajj by proceeding to Jamarat from Mina after Zuhr for the stoning. The stoning of Jamarat will be completed from small to large. After stoning, leave for Makkah before Sunset. If you could not perform Tawafuz ziyarah earlier, it is essential to do it before the maghrib on this day.
Before leaving Makkah and returning to your country, the pilgrims will also perform Tawaf-ul-Wada (Farewell Tawaf). It is obligatory to perform the farewell tawaf. At this stage, all the required rituals of Hajj are completed.
Mentioned above was the simple Hajj procedure about how to do Hajj after assuming Ihram from the Meeqat. May Allah accept your Hajj and reward you in this life and the Hereafter. Aameen!
Note: It is recommended to consult and seek scholars’ opinions on doubtful Islamic matters.
Obligatory duties of Hajj
Obligations of Hajj
The three obligatory rules (Fard) or the pillars of Hajj are:
Entering Ihram from the Meeqat: It is obligatory to form the intention of Hajj and assume the state of Ihram from the Meeqat. Raleigh is the prescribed Meeqat location for pilgrims from the UK. However, pilgrims traveling by air cross the Meeqat, so they must form the intention in the flight. Saudi airlines announce Meeqat on the plane. If you are traveling by other flights, the Meeqat comes one hour before reaching the Jeddah airport.
Wuquf at Arafat: It is essential to stop at Arafat even for a moment from Lawal (declining of sun) of 9th Dhul Hijjah to the dawn of 10th Dhul Hijjah. This is an indispensable part of Hajj and must be performed in the prescribed order at its proper time and place. In case of its omission, Hajj would not be adequately accomplished.
Tawafuz Ziyarah: It can be performed any time from the morning of the 10th Dhul Hijjah to the dawn of the 12th Dhul Hijjah after completing the ritual of Qasr (shaving or clipping of hair). Tawafuz Ziyarah, also called Tawaf-ul-Ifadah, is an obligatory Hajj ritual performed after leaving the state of Ihram and just before returning to Mina to perform Rami al-Jamarat. If Tawafuz Ziyarah is delayed, the sacrifice of an animal (Dam) becomes essential.
Important (Wajib) acts of worship during Hajj
- Overnight Stay in Muzdalifah.
- Overnight Stay in Mina at Tashriq nights.
- Raul Jamar, i.e., stone pelting at the Jamaats.
- Qurbani, or the sacrifice of an animal, is only due on a Qarin or Mutamatti.
- Shaving or cutting of hair.
Tawaf-ul-Wada or Farewell tawaf.
Tawaf and it’s Rules
Tawaf and its Rules
What is Tawaf? How to perform Tawaf e Hajj?
Most inspiring Ritual of Hajj
The Arabic meaning of Tawaf is going round and round. In the context of Hajj and Umrah, it means circumambulating around Baitullah (The House of Allah) seven times.
It is an obligatory act of Hajj and Umrah. There are seven types/kinds of Tawaf:
Tawaf al Qudum: Tawaf performed upon entering Masjid-ul-Haram in the state of Ihram by those performing Hajj al-Qiran or Hajj al-Ifrad.
Tawafuz Ziyarah: Also known as Tawaf al-Ifadhah, it is the Tawaf that is performed between the dawn of 10th Dhul Hijjah to the sunset of 12th Dhul Hijjah, after leaving the state of Ihram and just before returning to Mina to perform Rami al-Jamarat. If it is delayed, the Dam becomes Wajib.
Tawaf al Wada: Also known as Tawafus Sadr, Tawaf el Wida (Farewell) is the farewell tawaf performed at the end of the Hajj.
Tawaf al Umrah: This is mandatory for Umrah.
Tawaf al Nadhr: It is mandatory when a person has made a vow to Allah to do it.
Tawaf al Tahiyya: It is not mandatory for a person but recommended to perform when he enters into Masjid-ul-Haram. If any other tawaf is completed, it becomes its substitute.
Tawaf al NFL: Can be performed at any time. It is similar to other Tawafs if you want to know how to perform nafl Tawaf. Pilgrims have to form the intention (niyyah) of performing nafl tawaf.
Obligations of Tawaf
A set of rules or guidelines for doing Tawaf must be followed. It is necessary to complete these rituals correctly and follow the rules, or a Dam becomes Wajib. The main directions of Tawaf are as follows:
- It is essential to be in the state of wudu for the entire Tawaf.
- Niyyah is a necessary condition for Tawaf. There is no tawaf without niyyah.
- Tawaf should begin from Hajar-al-Aswad (the black stone) and finish at Hajar-al-Aswad, moving in the direction of Hatim (anti-clockwise), keeping Hajar-al-Aswad to the left.
- It is obligatory to include Hijr (Hatim), Ismael, into Tawaf, which means to perform the Tawaf of Hijr Ismael from outside.
- Pilgrims must circumambulate seven complete rounds around the House of Allah – the Kaabatullah and anything less is not enough.
- If the time of obligatory or supererogatory “Vitr” prayer comes during obligatory Tawaf, a pilgrim can leave Tawaf, perform the prayer and then return and continue the rest of Tawaf.
- You are performing Islam, i.e., kissing the Hajr-e-Aswad. If you cannot kiss the Black stone because of the crowd, touch it with your hand and then kiss your hand as the Prophet did (PBUH). If you cannot reach the stone, point your hands towards the rock and say, “Allahu Akbar.”
Note: It is recommended to consult and seek scholars’ opinions on doubtful Islamic matters.
Dua’s & Azkaar For Hajj
Recommended supplications for Tawaf, Saa’ee, and other rites:
There are no special Dua & Supplications during Hajj; People should recite any dua they remember and wish. But one should try to perform the rituals of Hajj and Umrah as closely as how the Prophet (PBUH) performed. Here are some of the most recommended essential Hajj duas and supplications that one should recite while on their journey for Hajj and Umrah:

Mistakes to Avoid During Hajj
Common mistakes to Avoid during Hajj
Below are the misconceptions and prohibitions during Hajj that one should be careful about to have a blissful Hajj experience:
Mistake 1: Changing the intention of Hajj
(Essence of hajj)
Making intentions is an essential part of Hajj. The reward of a deed depends on the purpose. One can change their choice about the type of Hajj they want to perform before assuming ihram. If one wants to change their intention afterward, they can vary from Tamattu to Qiran but not from Tamattu to Ifrad.
Mistake 2: Not changing the ihram clothes
(absolute Submissions)
Some people wrongly think that changing the white sheets of the ihram will relinquish their ihram. One is allowed to change the ihram whenever they require it. The pilgrim comes out of the ihram, which they intended, only after completing all the essential rites of Hajj and shaving or clipping hair.
Mistake 3: Touching or wiping over the Kabah or any part of Masjid-ul-Haram
(Non permissive act)
Some people try to touch and wipe over any part of Kabah and Maqam-e-Ibrahim, thinking there is barakah and Khair. This is one of the most common misconceptions and mistakes during Hajj and has no basis in hadith or Sunnah. The Prophet (PBUH) did not touch any part of Kabah except the Black stone and Yemeni Corner. Innovation in religion is forbidden in Hajj, so it must be prohibited.
Mistake 4: Doing multiple Umrahs
(Do the Rewarded act)
Some people perform multiple Umrahs by going to Masjid Ta’neem or other Meeqat to assume ihram repeatedly. It is not from the Sunnah, and one should not make the mistake of doing it. Instead of performing multiple umrahs, one should try to complete as many Tawafs as possible to gain greater rewards.
Mistake 5: Getting emotional at Jamarat
(only Do the Obligatory act)
Jamarats are not the devil/s disguised as the stones. There is no devil present at the Jamarat. The stone indicates where the devil (shaitan) tried to mislead Prophet Ibrahim (AS). It is recommended to glorify Allah by saying Allahu Akbar each time you throw a pebble at the stone pillar.
Mistake 6: Kissing Hajr-e-Aswad from Distance”
(Holy Ritual)
Kissing the black stone is a beautiful sunnah, and it is an honor to be able to do that. But most people cannot reach Hajr-e-Aswad because of the crowd. Therefore, many people try to kiss it from a distance. They stop in the middle of performing Tawaf, face the black stone and put their hands up to kiss it in the air as if it is right in front of them.
Distance kissing is not from Sunnah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would kiss the black stone if he could easily do so or touch it with his hand and then kiss his hand. But, if it were too crowded, he would only point towards it with his hands and say, “Allahu Akbar.”
Ibn Abbas said, “The Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) performed Tawaf on his camel, and every time he came to the corner (where the Black Stone is), he would point to it and say, Allāhu Akbar.” [Al-Bukhari]
Mistake 7: Thinking Dua is accepted at first glance of Kaaba;
(ALLAH ‘Promise)
Most people have the wrong notion that the first time they witness the Kaabah, any du’a they make will be answered. It is simply not true and has no evidence in Shariah. Any Hadith that we find in this matter is weak or fabricated.
Mistake 8: Shouting Du’a in Unison
Some people shout dua in unison while performing Tawaf. They follow a leader or an imam who speaks out different dua’s loudly, and the people repeat after him in unison. This creates a lot of confusion and disturbs others engaged in their dues. It is not correct.
Before going for Tawaf, the right thing to do is to make a list of Du’a that you want to make or the verses from the Qur’an you want to recite. So you won’t have to follow anybody, and you will make Du’a from your heart in your language. Make your dua with humility and Khushoo’.
The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Each one of you is conversing with his Lord, so do not disturb one another or raise your voices over one another when reading (or he said) when praying.” [Abu Dawood, Sahih by Al-Albani]
Mistake 9: Designating specific Du’a for different rounds of Tawaf
Some pilgrims designate specific Du’as for each round; there are even books with specific Du’as written for every game. This is not from Sunnah. Neither the Prophet (PBUH) nor the Sahabas recited any specific Du’a in Tawaf’s fun. The only Du’a that the Prophet (PBUH) specified during Tawaf was upon reaching between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone when he would say,
“Rabbana atina’ fid-dunya hasana wa fil-akhirati hasana wa qina adhaban-nar”
[“Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Fire.”]
Mistake 10: Doing Tawaf on someone’s behalf
Many people make this mistake. They complete their Tawaf and then perform an extra round for a friend, relative, or a deceased person. It is not correct and has no basis in the Sunnah. Only Hajj and Umrah can be performed on behalf of someone, but Tawaf cannot be done on someone’s behalf.
Mistake 11: Thinking praying 40 Rakat prayers in Madinah is compulsory
Some people think praying 40 racket Naf’l is compulsory in Masjid-e-Nabawi and is part of the Hajj. Neither the Naf’l prayers nor visiting Madinah is a part of Hajj. It is good that you spend as much time as possible praying inside the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah but to think it is necessary to do so is not correct.
Note: It is recommended to consult and seek scholars’ opinions on doubtful Islamic matters.
Useful Tips
Essential Tips for Your Hajj Journey
(The Way to ALLAH)
Here are the top tips for Hajj travel and staying healthy during the Hajj pilgrimage:
- The extreme weather conditions, the tremendous crowd of pilgrims, and the physical demands of Hajj tend to make people short-tempered. Try to be patient, understanding, and compassionate always. You can avoid unnecessary arguments and awkward situations by maintaining a positive attitude and remaining focused on your mission of Hajj.
- Do not get involved in unnecessary religious discussions with your fellow pilgrims. You may see slight variations in spiritual practices during Hajj rituals amongst different people. Someone may even point out the “wrongness” of your ways. Be patient and walk away from a difficult situation.
- Be optimistic and keep good companionship during Hajj. You will meet different kinds of people in your group; the over-excited, complainers, chit-chatters, etc.; keep to yourself if you feel distracted and don’t want the negativity to affect you. You might not like things, but try to keep them to your heart and share constructive criticism with the organizer.
- The most critical Hajj advice is to be punctual. Take great care to perform Salah on time and with Jamaat.
- Don’t be put off by the hot weather. There are air-conditioned sections in Haram on the first and second floors (enter through the King Fahad entrance and stay on the left). Pray there during the hottest part of the day.
- Try to create balance in everything, including acts of worship. Know your physical limits and stay within them. Getting caught up in the moment’s emotions and exceeding your boundaries is too easy. It is incredibly frustrating to get sick in a foreign country and even harder during Hajj as it defeats the purpose of your visit.
- The beggars will pose a real problem, mainly if you are not used to seeing them. People who have been to middle-east before would be able to differentiate between the real ones and those who are there for business. They will be ruthless in pursuing you and won’t hesitate to disturb you while you are deep in prayers or having an emotional moment. Do not be swayed by their stories of losing passports, tickets, loved ones, etc. Instead of giving money, offer them food, a key, or whatever they ask for.
- Try to meet as many Muslims as possible. The diversity of cultures and nationalities one experiences during Hajj is mind-blowing. You will meet Russians, Chinese, Europeans, and African Muslims. Feel the common bond that unites everyone.
- One of the top tips to stay healthy during the Hajj pilgrimage is to wash all fruits, including dates, with clean water before eating. Stick to those fruits which need to be peeled. Avoid pre-cut fruits or salads or food handled in unhygienic conditions.
- Another quick and essential tip for Hajj is always use the restrooms before leaving your hotel or apartment. There are no washrooms inside Masjid-ul-Haram or Masjid-e-Nabawi. The bathrooms are located outside the mosques and are very crowded. Use a nearby hotel or restaurant if you have to use a restroom. Make wudu with Zamzam water or at the water stations and avoid spilling too much water.
- Please don’t compare your group with others; avoid getting caught up in what the other people ate or where they stayed. Always remember that Hajj is a test, and everyone’s trial will be different. Savor your experiences and stay positive.
- You can prepare yourself, but nothing thoroughly prepares you for the reality of the experience. There will be moments of great awe and complete frustration. Be patient always!
- A Hajji is fortunate to be present at the various sacred places where duas are likely to be accepted. So please make the most of it. Pray to Allah (SWT) and ask for your needs of this world and the Hereafter. Value every moment there since your stay is a short one.
- Of course, everyone wants their Hajj to be Mabroor (acceptable) because the reward for Hajj Mabroor is Jannah.
- A person asked the Prophet (PBUH), “What makes Hajj Mabroor, Messenger of Allah?” He (PBUH) said, “Providing food to people and spreading (the greeting of) salaam.” (Fath al-Bari, 4/446).
- In another Hadith, which is related by Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu `anhu), Allah’s Apostle (sallallaahu `Alayhi wasallam) said:
- “From one Umrah to another (i.e., the two Umrah) become an atonement for the sins committed during the period intervening between them and the reward on Hajj Mabroor (i.e., pure and untainted Hajj) is paradise itself and nothing less.” [Bukhari & Muslim]
- So being kind, generous, and considerate with people and serving them is the key to accepting your Hajj. Keep your eyes and ears open for every opportunity to do good deeds. Jump at any chance you get to spread khair and do everything to please Allah. In sha Allah, your Hajj will be Mabroor.
- Follow a burial procession to Jannat-ul-Baqi and attend the Janaaza prayer.
Those must-know Hajj tips will come in handy during your Hajj journey. May Allah shower His blessings upon the Ummah, accept our intention to perform this obligatory act of worship, and guide us to the proper path. Aameen!